Physical activity earns online time
Physical activity earns online time. Parents Jason Savelli and Lisa Hewitt-Savelli wondered just how long their son Jacob, 9, would stay online in a virtual world for children before losing interest. So one day, as an experiment, they sat b
Problems That Might Impede Kids’ Sleep
Parents often look in on their children while the kids are sleeping. Kids often look peaceful while asleep, and parents enjoy seeing them getting their needed slumber. However, some kids can struggle when it comes to getting their necessary
Nip child obesity in the bud
When two to five-year old children discover entertainment on the television, their physical activity level decreases. Add this to games involving computer games and children are soon discouraged from developing their own creative personalit
Childcare – Stop bullying
Parents of children concerned about the critical issue of bullying in daycares, schools and playgrounds will likely be interested in the findings of a recent Canadian bullying-prevention study.
Help for speech impediments
After talking with Matin and Hosna Safar you would never know that these two sweet, energetic and bright children ever had trouble speaking. The truth is that both have struggled deeply with stuttering and the negative effects associated wi
Changes in vision during and after pregnancy
The pregnancy test is positive. Along with the excitement and anticipation of the baby's arrival, women need to be aware of body transformations during and after the pregnancy. A growing belly, nausea, food cravings and heightened sensitivi
Volunteer nannies provide care to cancer patients
Qualified, compassionate volunteer Nannies provide mothers in breast cancer treatment with a little extra support. Funded by Rethink Breast Cancer, the Nanny Angel Network provides Nanny Angels to families with a mom affected by breast canc
Tips to ensure your tot’s ‘TV diet’ is healthy and fun
Figuring out how much and what television is right for your child isn't too different from looking at what to feed your child. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents think of managing their children's television wa
Battling cold season one tissue at a time
Many Canadian families will be on the front lines this cold season in the war against stuffiness and sniffling. When children are stuffed up and can’t breathe well, they don’t sleep well either. When a child is awake, the parents
Keep kids active for good health
While most adults are aware that they need to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, children actually need twice that amount, according to many dietary guidelines to combat childhood obesity
Good vision isn’t always easy to see
Have you considered the health of your child’s eyesight? Don’t feel bad if you haven’t. You are not alone. Eyesight may not be top of mind for most parents because the changes to your child’s eyes aren’t obvious. Your child’s
Dad Health
Becoming a father doesn’t just affect a new dad’s sex life and sleep patterns: it also affects his biochemistry in far-reaching ways – and he, in turn, affects his new baby’s biochemistry in equally powerful ways
Time control
What is often one of the biggest differences between good and average students? Time management skills. And with most families' schedules filling up quicker than ever with school, sports, and social obligations, effective time management ha
Freedom from bullying
Once young girls have become victims of bullying, it can be difficult for them to escape from the role of victim. That's the key finding to emerge from a study published in the December 2, 2008, edition of the British
Love your heart, take these steps during Heart Month
While February, Heart Month, brings to mind thoughts of Valentine’s Day and images of hearts and love, the heart is much more than a symbol.
Fitness in the name of charity
We all know the benefits not-for-profit organizations reap when community members participate in their local fundraising initiatives, but supporting community-based charitable causes can bring benefits to you and your family too. Char
Going leaner, greener in 2009
I’m not one for regrets. While there are notable exceptions (for example, I will never, ever wear bellbottoms with the American flag down the sides), I focus on rolling up my sleeves to change my future rather than wringing my
Adjustable helmets have kid appeal
Did you know the majority of serious child injuries in Winter are to the head? Wearing a helmet is the most important and easiest way to increase safety in winter sports. Whether it be sledding or learning to ski or
Pregnant women, babies, and the flu shot
Here's what you need to know to protect yourself and your baby from influenza, an illness that can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia.
Hooking up with a fitness challenge
I'm on the road to becoming more physically fit and am inviting readers to give me support, offer some tips and share experiences through our City Parent Mom Club online forum. You'll find a link at the end of this