Jump into family fitness fest
Kids’ CBC’s fitness adventure series Jiggijump will be bringing the free, family-friendly interactive concert series to cities across Ontario.
A word about bullies
As parents, we want to spare our children the unpleasant experiences that we endured in school, but unfortunately that’s not always possible.
Tips for Coping with the Loss of a Baby
These creative self-care tips helped the author move through her grief, and eventually led her to healing and transformation.
First tooth equals first dental visit
Traditionally, the age that most children go to the dentist for their first visit is at three years old or unfortunately, when a child feels pain.
Time to wear glasses
When I was eight years old, I was having trouble reading the chalk board at school, but I didn’t want to tell anyone, because I didn’t want to wear glasses.
This house is quarantined
My fingers and toes are crossed that we’re approach the end of this year’s cold and flu season.
Talking with kids about cancer during cancer month
April is Cancer Month and children might be asking why people are wearing a daffodil pin.
High Voltage strategies for when you’re down
When we're down it usually means we're tired, have no energy or drive, we're not motivated or we're stuck. It's that feeling that we just can't get things in motion.
Bookish ways to banish the winter blues
Each year, I promise not to let the winter blues invade our house but as I flip calendar pages, cabin fever hits despite my best efforts. That’s when I pull out the books and get to work banishing the winter
Car Seat Safety – Video
View this video on car seat safety https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Mtfe2GrLU
What to expect as a breastfeeding mother
The key to successful breastfeeding is a great support network. There are many places to turn for help. Most areas have mother groups and special breastfeeding peer groups that can be a great support system especially if you don’t have
How to be an emotionally attentive parent
The way a child is treated emotionally by his parents determines how he’ll treat himself as an adult
The Stress Effect
In April I had the good fortune to attend the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition’s 11th Annual Forum on Mental Wellness
How to control social media and gaming
With social media and gaming pounding down the nursery door, you have a right to be a little bit concerned about the future of your child
Sleep Tips
Every child is different, but that doesn’t mean they can’t all have a great night’s sleep