What you need to know about sedating children for dental work
Understand sedation and children's dentistry
Baby Got Back: Why babies bring the (back) pain and what you can do to stop it
Your little bundle of joy is on the way and you can’t get your mind off one thing: that aching feeling in your lower back that seems to just be getting worse by the day
Travelling bears spread autism awareness
It’s not often that a campaign’s goal is to raise nothing but awareness, but that’s just what Tikko Travels aims to do
How to adopt healthy habits with electronics
If you’ve noticed an odd quietness about the house or your latest Internet or mobile bill skyrocket, it can be a sign that the electronic usage has crept out of control.
Spring detox tips
Follow these spring detox tips courtesy of Andrea Donsky, registered holistic nutritionist.
Protect your baby from peanut allergy
Peanut allergy is on the rise. This common food allergy affects 1-2 per cent of children, which doesn’t sound like much. But if your child is among them, it is one child too many.
Trying for a dry bed
If your child wets the bed, chances are you’ve been told he or she will grow out of it.
Building Empathy in an Online World
There’s no doubt that, with the help of social media, some people boast and lie, spread rumours and behave like bullies online. Of course, the same thing could be said about the typical middle school cafeteria.
Unleash the peanut products
By about 6 months of age, babies should be regularly eating food with peanuts in an effort to prevent the development of a peanut allergy, according to new clinical guidelines released recently.
From overwhelmed to in control
If you are a mom, then you know the word “overwhelmed” goes hand-in-hand with the role of raising little ones.
Vitamin D and Pregnancy
New studies have shown how important it is for pregnant women to have optimal blood levels of vitamin D to help lower the risk of their babies developing multiple sclerosis and autism.
In the red zone
We went with my middle son to our first appointment with the Occupational Therapist the other day.
A cure for anaphylaxis the goal of SickKids program
A cure for anaphylaxis is possible according to the team of immunology and allergy experts who lead SickKids Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Program.
Advertorial: Fitting in family fitness
At the Y, we know how hard it can be to juggle the demands of a busy schedule, which is why we offer one location where you and your family can be active together.
Saving Piper
When my daughter, Piper, and her fraternal twin sister, Harper, were born on May 13, 2013, my wife, Erin and I, were ecstatic. Despite arriving seven weeks early and weighing just 4.5 pounds each, both babies were healthy.
info@cerebralpalsysymptoms.com www.cerebralpalsysymptoms.com Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood, with a child being born with CP every hour. Our goal is to raise awareness globally for cerebral palsy and other birth injuries.
Childhood Arthritis Awareness Month: Ayden S.
Eight-year-old Burlington resident Ayden S. is trying to #kickarthritis
Claire keeps on overcoming barriers
This is one of a series of testimonials from kids who receive care at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Click through to the video and Scotiabank will make a $5 donation.