Healthy minds
I feel that one of my jobs as a parent is to expand my children’s cultural horizons beyond the commercialized pop culture bubble that mainstream media implies is the only culture worth knowing. They’re not always convinced that this is
The brain + body equation
By Christine Davis The benefits of exercise are many and new research from ParticipACTION now shows that students who exercise before a test show stronger brain function than those who don’t. “Evidence shows that kids who are active for 15-20 minutes
Don’t use the ‘D’ word
By Christine Davis When Weight Watchers announced plans to launch a teen program, offering free six-week memberships to teens from 13-18 with an adult membership, the backlash was fast. “I think their hearts are in the right place,” says registered dietician and
Top 5 Questions About Lice Answered
Hey Parents, school’s out and summer’s here - time to catch some rays, make a splash, and enjoy the great outdoors. But not so fast moms and dads…just because the kids are on vacation, doesn’t mean headlice is too! Many parents
Where Your Goat is Tied
When I was a kid, the eldest of five boys, one of my mother’s favourite sayings was, “Don’t let him know where your goat is tied.” Now, we reasoned from the context that she meant, “Don’t let your brother know what
Speaking for Themselves
I often see parents speak for their children. An Aunt asks, “So, Jane, what have you been doing at school?” but before Jane can say anything, Dad interjects, “Jane’s doing great at school. She’s getting almost straight A’s, and she’s joined
Taking Care of Your Child’s Teeth: An Age-by-Age Guide
By Meagan Ruffing February is National Dental Hygiene month which means it’s a great time to get your kids on board with learning how to brush their teeth and actually enjoying it. No more battling your kids to take responsibility for
Help Ward Off Cold and Flu Season with a Healthy Diet
By Hana Klimczak As much as we might hate to admit it, cold and flu season are right around the corner. Studies have shown that children bring home germs from school and spread them to their parents and younger siblings, which
Coping with new motherhood
By Dr. Dina Kulik When you are pregnant, especially for the first time, it can be difficult to fathom how dramatically your life is going to change once baby arrives. You may anticipate a change to your day to day life,
The ‘Guilty Truth’: New Research Reveals Top Reasons for Parental Guilt
Children may see their parents as superheroes, but moms and dads across America would readily admit they’re far from perfect. In fact, new research by Farm Rich reveals American parents feel an average of 23 pangs of guilt every single
Growing Up Online: How to identify cellphone addiction
By Carolyn Jabs How much time did your kids spend with their cellphones yesterday? When was the last time you checked yours? If contemplating these questions makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Cellphones dominate our lives in part because they are
Science says make time for play
By Malia Jacobson When Meag Diamond began touring potential preschools for her toddler son, Keats, she saw a number of beautifully laid-out spaces filled with immaculate worktables, inviting book nooks and inspiring art stations. What she didn’t see was unstructured, unhurried
Fidget Spinners: Helpful or harmful
Fidget spinners have soared in popularity over the past few months. You can find them in convenience stores, classrooms and all corners of the Internet. The three-pronged gadgets centre on a ball bearing mechanism that allows them to whir in
I’ve never had to deal with lice before. I’ve been doing this parenting thing in various ways for a decade and a half – never had lice. I grew up in a house of five boys who were not shy
Heatstroke prevention tips for parents
With August upon us and the heat of the summer in full swing, it’s a good time to reflect on the dangers of heatstroke’s for young children. Since 1998, 721 children have died of heatstroke after being left in a
How to prevent toe walking
By Dianne Woodruff, CMA, PhD Children often develop toe walking because they have been helped by some well-meaning relative/caregiver. The relative sees that the child naturally picks up one foot when the other is on the ground, or the lap, or wherever
The healthy brain diet
Whether you’re divvying up the restaurant tab, helping with homework or multitasking on projects at work, your brain works better when you feed it well.
Better bedtimes with Yoga
You know those nights when you just can’t sleep, when your mind is racing, or you’re tense and wound up? Those symptoms aren’t reserved for adults.
Taking food allergies to camp
Attending summer day camp is often a rite of passage for kids. But when you have a child with life-threatening food allergies, camp is more complicated than filling out forms and dropping your kid off each morning.