Turbo charge your immune system
You can take control. True, the world is filled with nasty viruses, bacteria and carcinogens just waiting to do you in. That's especially true if you've got germ magnets, otherwise known as kids. Just follow these easy steps, and you'll
Switching From Work Brain to Parent Brain
Making the mental shift between work and home can be particularly tough when you’re a parent who works from home. Here are some tips that will help you to leave your work-related worries at the office, even if work happens
Pre-teen night owls
It’s taken scientists more than two centuries to figure out why Benjamin Franklin’s timeless advice—”Early to bed and early to rise” makes so much sense.
On-course, off-course, or lost
In September’s column we examined how your child could LEAP ahead this year through the creation of a Learning & Academic Action Plan (L.E.A.P.)—using the
Kick junk food habits
Question: Now that the New Year has arrived, I started making a New Year resolution list for our family. At the top of my list was around eating junk food
Confronting body image
Question: My daughter and I were talking this week about how she wants 2007 to be different for her. Immediately she started talking negatively about her body. She just turned 13. What can I do as her mother to help
Listen up
You can’t feel it but it really does hurt. Listening to loud music through a portable music player is putting the listeners’ hearing at risk. The Canadian Hearing Association recommends some possible risks and preventative measures that
Keeping it clean
It might be unfair, or an over exaggeration but boys are not often thought of as eager to jump into the bath tub or to take care of their skin. As your son grows and matures it is natural to
(MS) — Many children look forward to sports. A chance to play with their friends, sports also represent an opportunity for children to learn many of life’s lessons, from working with others to dealing with loss to accepting authority fi
Dangerous cosmetics?
Behind those picture-perfect models is a frightening secret that the personal care industry would just as soon keep secret: 89 per cent of cosmetics contain one or more untested ingredients. This means that the safety of the stuff we’re s
Tuning into Channel Mom
Teaching new mothers who are dealing with postpartum depression how to relate to and respond to their babies' cues can help to lay the groundwork for healthy mother-baby attachments
Give Me a “C”…..
Researchers at Tufts University have identified five personality traits that increase a teen's odds of navigating the journey between childhood and early adulthood with relative ease
Asthma sufferers can breathe easier
Perhaps the scariest of all Edgar Allan Poe's stories is the one called 'The Cask of Amontillado' in which the narrator, Montresor, gets revenge on his enemy Fortunato for a thousand unnamed injuries. He lures Fortunato into the catacomb