Macbeth for kids
Masks and Madness in Macbeth (Shakespeare in Action/Workman Arts) — It’s important to be exposed to Shakespeare at a young age, but who says kids need to sit through all five acts of the great tragedy to really get it? To dig deep into the madness and intensity of Macbeth, director and adaptor Michael Kelly trims the play down to its most emotional moments (while still keeping the basic plot clear to viewers) and uses music, movement, visual arts and actors wearing masks to dramatize it. So, instead of a great deal of talk, we get to see a masked Lady Macbeth grapple with her violent side and the spots of blood. The whole show runs in just under 90 minutes, and is geared for kids grade seven and up. Plays at the Joseph Workman Theatre from April 24 to May 10. Tickets are $25 for adults and $18 for students, 416-703-4881.