10 Ways To Develop Your Child’s Musical IQ
1. Keep instruments accessible
Whether it’s a toy ukulele, xylophone, keyboard, or a few pots and pans turned upside down, make objects available to make music.
2. Boogie to the beat
Dance along to a CD or instrument and watch your child join right in. This is a great way to get your child to feel the rhythm.
3. Have fun with music games
Make learning into a game. Make a music staff on the floor out of a skipping rope. Call out a note and have your child jump on the correct note and then run to the piano to find it.
4. Encourage composing
Your child will gain confidence when they are encouraged to make up their own songs and rhythms. You might be surprised what inspiration comes out.
5. Sing songs with actions or puppets
My son just started mimicking everything I do. He loves action songs and is especially delighted whenever puppets are involved!
6. Play a different style of music every day
Playing many styles of music played in the house or car is the best way to expose your child to a well-balanced musical palate, quickly broadening their musical horizons.
7. Put your child in group classes or lessons
Lessons are also a great way to give your child a well-rounded base from which they can grow. It is deliberate, fun and hands-on.
8. Try a few lessons yourself
If you want to teach your child about music, it is a good idea to get a general foundation of musical knowledge and experience through lessons and a basic theory book.
9. Play and Pretend
Implement your child’s interests into the lesson. For example, if a child loves animals, create an animal name for the note that is being learned. For “B”, play all the “Black Bear Bs” that they could find on the piano. Or to make big note jumps on the keys, pretend they are flying like Spiderman. It will keep them interested.
10. Take them to musicals
Take your child to an age appropriate musical or puppet show. It will inspire them to participate in homemade productions.
Levasseur has more than 10 years of teaching experience.
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